Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Emma's First Audition

Emma has been attending Desert Stages Theatre for the past 8 weeks for a class called Center Stage where she learns about the theatre and being part of a production. They have been practicing for a small play too whcih she played the part of a school teacher and did such a great job (YIPEE EMMA!!!). The Theatre puts on preformances throughout the year and children ages 4 through 19 are encouraged to audition. Emma wanted to give it a shot for a production of Butterfly's Day out, a musical. We got there early, so we thought and lined up with the rest of the pushy parents and children, Emma appeared the youngest, at least in the group of twenty that she was in. Long story short Emma went backstage with her partner and group (mostly twelve year old girls) she looked so excited and adorable...I have to admit Patrick and I were gushing just watching her head off. They were to spend an hour learning the song and dance in their group and then come to the mainstage for their audition. After the hour or so, she headed out with her group to the mainstage, saw the stage, lights and an "audience" . She saw me and started to cry. I asked her what was wrong (this is not a kid with stage fright we are dealing with) she said she did not want to go on the stage and wanted to go home. Patrick and I took her home. The next day she asked if she was in the preformance and I explained again that we left therefore she would not be able to be in the show and I asked her why she did'nt want to go on stage. I hope that this translates on to the page as well as she explained it to me....Emma had one hour of practice and when she saw the stage and the "audience" (judges) she said she didn't want to get on stage because she " only had one day to practice and she was not ready to do the show". Okay I know that being a Mom you think things are cuter than they are, but how cute is that? She was not getting on that stage because her preformance was not "stage worthy". I do feel badly because I am a newbie at this and had not explained well enough to her that when she got in there she would not need to know everything she learned but only to smile and wave, kids smile and wave. She wants to audition for GREASE in March.......

Santa Clause is Coming to Town...

So this year Emma asked only for one thing isn't that sweet? She only was going to ask Santa for one thing....A bike. A Bike with an eyes, nose and a mouth! I asked her if she had seen a bike like this before and she said she hadn't, but that Santa and the Elves make the gifts so the fact that she designed it in her head didn't much matter. So off we went to write our letter to Santa, and sure enough only one thing on her list, the bike and a little drawing with the face on it. All dressed up we took her to visit and plead her case. Yes, she had been good in fact extra good these past couple of weeks she let him know and here is her list right here, not greedy at all just one thing on it and she shows it to Santa....that nice Santa calls me over to make sure I know what is on her precious little list (and wishes me luck). She is such a good girl I hope the Elves can fill her request!

A Lot to be Thankful for....

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving, in fact it was so nice that I cannot decide what I enjoyed more the preparations or the actual Company and Dinner part. Emma is old enough this year to actually participate in the dinner preparations and really got into it. She was so excited about helping to make potatoes that I had myself a second glass of wine and handed over the potato peeler. She did great she was so careful and proud. Thanksgiving Dinner ...what a great tradition! After dinner we were watching Funny Face (Audrey Hepburn) This is Emma's new favorite movie,she and I preform duets in the livingroom daily. The family got in on the preforming and the below entertainment continued for hours...isn't this how everyone spends the holidays?!?!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Treat Smell My Feet...

My little Carmen Miranda wore her fruit bowl proudly and had a blast trick-or-treating!
Patrick and I have not passed up on the chance to dress up for Halloween since Emma was a baby and this year was no exception...joining in on the ridiculous adult behavior was Uncle Nick and auntie Carissa ...Yea!!!

Emma's Halloween Party at School

Emma had so much fun at her Halloween Party at school. Here is just a couple pictures of her favorite little people from Laguna. By the way...that is MITCHELL!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Wages are Smiling

The Wages Family is Proud to Announce that each of us have a smile on our face. Patrick and I celebrated our 6 year Wedding Anniversary this October and being home in Arizona we were able to celebrate at the very place we were married.
*Disclaimer-Patrick's actual smile may not be represented in photos*

Just some Pictures too cute to leave out...

Emma is growing up so quickly. I feel like the time is slipping by these days. To think that we will be gearing up to celebrate her 5th birthday in just a few short months blows me away. So I had to stamp the page with just a few shots of Emma being Emma. A few quotes of late. Emma to Grandma "When you come back I better see that smile on back on your face", "Mitchell and I pinkie promised that when we get big we are going to go have ice cream together...he is so sweet". And my favorite...Emma tells me daily that I am her "best friend", I hope she always feels like that.